C-Field Model of Cosmos with Variable Newton’s Gravitatinal Constant G and Non Zero Curvature index

  • Ram Bharosha Tiwari
  • Kripa Sindhu Prasad


Regarding Flat FRW space-time, an investigation is conducted on a creation field cosmological model with a time dependent Newton’s constant G. We have investigated the possibility that there is a barotropic perfect fluid distribution throughout the universe. We made the assumption that G = α ˙H + βH2, where H is the Hubble parameter, in order to arrive at the deterministic model. We discover that because new matter is continuously being created, the density of the matter stays constant even though the creation field changes over time. In the absence of a particle horizon, G is found to vary as 1t2 . According to Riess et al.[30] and Perlmutter et al.[31], the model’s representation of a universe that is expanding quickly is consistent with observations.


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